I, Thespian
Comedy |
40 minutes |
25 total (9F,11M,5E) (12-45 actors
possible; gender flexible) |
Some chairs |
Audience |
Youth |
Overdramatic, gossipy,
eccentric.everything you love about high school Thespians
takes center stage in this farce! Toby and Kristen need
to put down an activity for their college applications,
so they join their high school Thespian Troupe. What
starts off as a "normal" Thespian meeting with Thespis
worshipping and drama gossiping transforms into a hectic
battle for survival.
An unmarked package arrives. Of course, the Thespians
believe it's a Trojan horse from the evil Bandos, who
will stop at nothing to thwart the Thespians from succeeding
at District Competition. When the Thespians find out
that Toby did band in middle school, chaos ensues. Now,
will Toby and Kristen be able to get out of there alive,
or will the drama consume them? And what really is in
that package? |
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